NameSilo Staff

The Essential Guide to Utilizing the NameSilo Marketplace Watchlist

The NameSilo Marketplace Watchlist serves as an essential tool for domain investors and enthusiasts alike, offering a streamlined approach to tracking and managing domains of interest. This article will guide you through the process of adding domains to your watchlist and subsequently viewing them, ensuring you’re always in the loop with your potential domain acquisitions.

Adding Domains to Your Watchlist

Step 1: Access the Marketplace

Firstly, ensure you’re logged into your NameSilo account. Once logged in, navigate to the NameSilo Marketplace. Here, you’ll find a diverse array of domains listed, each potentially the next valuable addition to your portfolio.


Step 2: Use the Watchlist Icon

As you peruse the marketplace, each domain listing will be accompanied by an eye 👁️ icon, symbolizing the watchlist feature. To add a domain to your watchlist:

Identify a Domain: Spot a domain you’re interested in keeping track of.

Click the Eye Icon: Click on the eye 👁️ icon associated with the domain. This action signals your intent to monitor this domain closely.

adding the domain to watchlist

Upon clicking, the domain is seamlessly added to your watchlist, allowing for easy access and monitoring as you navigate through the marketplace.


Viewing Domains in Your Watchlist

Having added domains to your watchlist, the next step is to view and manage these selected domains. Accessing your watchlist is straightforward:

Step 1: Navigate to Marketplace Manager

Start by accessing the Marketplace Manager within your NameSilo account. This centralized hub is where all your marketplace activities converge, including your watchlist.

marketplace manager


Step 2: Access Buyer’s Resources

Within the Marketplace Manager, locate and select the “Buyer’s Resources” tab. Here, you’ll find a dedicated section for your watchlist, containing all the domains you’ve marked for monitoring.

By visiting this section, you can review your watchlisted domains, assess their status, and make informed decisions on whether to pursue a purchase or continue monitoring.

accessing buyers resource tab

watchlist section


The NameSilo Marketplace Watchlist is more than a convenience—it’s a strategic asset in your domain trading toolkit. By enabling you to mark and monitor domains of interest, it ensures you’re always a step ahead in the fast-moving domain market. Whether you’re scouting for potential investments or looking for the perfect domain for your next project, the watchlist feature ensures you never miss out on opportunities. Start leveraging the power of the NameSilo Marketplace Watchlist today and transform the way you engage with the world of domains.

About the Author:

NameSilo Staff

The NameSilo staff of writers worked together on this post. It was a combination of efforts from our passionate writers that produce content to educate and provide insights for all our readers.

by NameSilo Staff's.

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